Golden State-of-the-Art

Seascape, acrylic on canvas, 2010 by Melissa Crismon. Photo by M.C.
Seascape, acrylic on canvas, 2010 by Melissa Crismon. Photo by M.C.

I’m changing my name. I know they say the domain name and blog name should be the same. The blog is for my writing, but I will always post about Visual, Performing and Readable Art which is obviously a lame name for a blog, but I couldn’t come up with a name that suited what I wanted to say in one catchy word. It could have been Melissa’s Review because I am reviewing books, theatre, music and art shows, but that’s boring. I wasn’t going to not start blogging just because I couldn’t think of a name. Now that I have spent some time with this baby I’d like to rename this blog Golden State-of-the-Art because for the most part I talk about art created in my home state California. I will occasionally diverge from that idea because when I first thought about blogging I thought this would be a great place to keep my ideas and research. Blogger InspireMe writes, “Since we’ve all entered into the digital age it only made sense to add to the sketchbook concept by bringing it into the digital world. No more loosing ideas, misplacing information…’s all here, collected and secure.” That’s where I started in this process, but there is no need to put my research on a blog unless it’s something I find worth sharing. It may seem off topic to read a post about oceanography in an art blog, but my writing research has taken me there and I find beauty in the subject.

I do want to thank my five followers. It’s very interesting how I have attracted like-minded people. I enjoy your blogs too, which I should probably blog about for one of my posts. I seem to get followers when I post about books or my first post with my painting had a few looks.

I belong to Romance Writers of America (RWA) and hear lots of writers talk about their craft. I can definitely blog about writing, what writers are saying and review their books. Many writers say, “Don’t blog about writing.” I have plenty of other topics to talk about, but people seem to be craving the next great novel. Books are addictive and escapism. It’s particularly exciting to read freshmen books by authors Anne Cleeland and Anne Kemp. I also enjoy reading manuscripts. I can see why editors love their career.

For the most part, I love to talk about art in my Southern California community. So, this blog will never be about me. It’s about what inspires me, which would be a great name for a blog, but someone already has that name. So, I chose Golden State-of-the-Art for my blogs title.