Vegan Wine & Vegan News

Dry Creek Vineyard’s Sauvignon Blanc Vegan Wine. Pic by M.C.

I don’t go around screaming I’m a vegan, but I keep reading or meeting people struggling with vegan issues—hence, so many vegan posts. Recently, a British gal on Twitter said she couldn’t find vegan wine. Perhaps some of you will have to shop online.

The gal on Twitter wrote bugs are used to strain wine. That one I hadn’t heard. According to an article on Eco Warrior Princess, animal-derived products are used as “fining agents” that filter out protein, yeast, and other parts of wine. Casein, isinglass (fish bladder by-products), gelatin, chitin/chitosan (crab or lobster shell), and albumin are used as fining agents. The article also lists more vegan wines and some are gluten free.

Renaissance Man came home with a new vegan white wine so he could make vegan risotto. So I tasted Dry Creek Vineyard’s Fumé Blanc Sauvignon Blanc which happens to be gluten free. I paired it with VioLife vegan cheese, green olives, and walnuts while we waited for my homemade veggie soup to warm up. It’s supposed to have characteristics of Meyer lemon, lemongrass, kaffir lime, and herbs. I don’t drink much, but all I know is I liked it.

I’d like to share a short video with an interview of Author Carol J. Adams by The Bearded Vegans. A new edition of her book The Pornography of Meat will be out in October 2020. I like to hear other people’s points of view, especially if it’s unique. How interesting it is that we are mind controlled to believe eating meat is manly.

Toronto Veg share their platform with The Bearded Vegans

The Pornography of Meat (Carol Adams and The Bearded Vegans) TorontoVeg YouTube Channel.
The breakdown:
0:01 Introduction

3:20 Oct. 29, 2020-Updated version of The Pornography of Meat.

4:14 “What is pornography? And how do you intend to use that term as it relates to the exploitation of animals?” Paul asked.

Carol Adams said, “Let’s say the pornography I’m talking about is in Catherine MacKinnon’s terms making inequality sexy. Pornography of objectification, dominance, violence that figures man as dominate as women as submissive or receptive to violence is making inequality sexy. And it not only makes gender inequality sexy. It makes racial class ethnic inequality sexy. Say featuring Asian women who want to be dominated. Or African American women depicted as though they’re still enslaved. One of the epigraphs in The Pornography of Meat is from Patricia Hill Collins—Black Feminist Thought—one of her books—she says that in contemporary pornography women are objectified through being portrayed as pieces of meat as sexual animals awaiting conquest. So we’re also going to see in a book like mine how the images and representations from animal agriculture present animals sexualized awaiting conquest. But what Collins is trying to say is that it’s not that pornography existed and black women were kinda stirred in. It’s that pornography, as we know it, evolved from a white supremacist culture that viewed the objectification of black women’s bodies as acceptable, normative, and natural in order to dominate them. And so we end up with media representations that is drawing in a pornography that got defined by white supremacy. So issues of objectification, dominance, control, animalization, and the mixing of violence and sex is all what concerns me. So in a sense, my book, The Pornography of Meat, is trying to show how these images and representations make inequality tasty.”

6:39 “Would you say all pornography is inherently unethical?” Paul asked.

8:35 Gender binary system

11:39 Masculinity and eating meat

15:48 Deconstructing the images in advertising

21:00 Suicide food

23:00 Depiction of animals

26:09 “The pandemic has brought to attention the problem with animal agriculture and zoonotic diseases,” Carol Adams said.

31:05 How does veganism and other social causes come into play?

32:28 What can we do?

“Every vegan meal is a boycott of animal agriculture. And I’ve always felt that teaching veganism and spreading veganism by presenting yourself as a non-anxious vegan, who loves to be vegan has its own role. And we often forget that grassroots activism and grassroots people are the source of so much change . . .” Carol Adams said.

And remember, even if you’re not vegan you can at least make the choice to buy a vegan wine because you don’t need animals in your wine. Let’s toast to that. Cheers!

Happy responsible drinking!

Copyright 2020 Melissa Crismon