Tofu Scramble

Tofu Scramble. Photo by M.C.

Isn’t everything a scramble right now? This recipe is appropriate. And it’s really tasty. I know it’s more tofu. I’ll move on next week.

Tofu Scramble
1 tsp olive oil
1 onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 pkg firm tofu, crumbled
1 tsp curry powder
½ tsp turmeric
½ tsp cumin
pinch of salt
pepper to taste
2 cups spinach
2 kale leaves

Yield: 4 servings

Chop onions and mince garlic. Crumble the tofu with your hands. Combine spices in a bowl. Chop spinach and kale. Sauté the onions for 3 to 5 minutes in oil. Sauté garlic for a minute. Add crumbled tofu and cook for 3 minutes. Add spices and stir until tofu is yellow. Then cook spinach and kale until wilted. The scramble goes well with gluten-free toast and vegan sausage.

Food for thought:
Bryan Adams on Instagram blamed “bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards, the whole world is now on hold. . .” for the coronavirus. His message to them is to “go vegan.” That’s the cleaned up version. Way to make vegans look bad. One of the points of being vegan is to live a peaceful life. I actually hate saying I’m vegan, because it’s a label. It used to be you said vegetarian because it covered a bunch of cruelty-free eating lifestyles. And at the time we didn’t have factory farms in the U.S. that I recall. There are dairy farmers who keep their cows into old age and don’t send them off to the factory, but life has gotten expensive. So how many farmers can afford to keep their cows? There is a dairy farm for sale near me for millions of dollars. I wonder if it will sell. I wish I could buy it and let the cows grow old. The positive is wet markets have gotten some attention and at least the Wuhan Huanan market was shut down.

And it is from the Chinese we get tofu. Make sure you buy non-GMO tofu. And now there is tofu that is sprouted by Wildwood and they don’t use a processing agent. It tastes a tad different. I used to buy Eden tofu, but I haven’t found it in years. I still see other Eden products in the store. We have many tofu making plants in California. I have enjoyed all the tofu I have bought in health food stores. Keep praying for the truth. And pray we stop looking at animals as food. And eat more tofu!

Recipe from blog of

Copyright 2020 Melissa Crismon

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